District Stats
Student Population = 2168
PHS = 793 PMS = 618 Hathaway = 427 Melville = 330
US News and World Report
Portsmouth High School is ranked #4 in the state.
Graduation Rate
Portsmouth has a 95% 4-year graduation rate.
SAT Scores
PHS Math = 542 State Math = 460 PHS Verbal = 543 State Verbal = 479
The Portsmouth School Department offers CTE programs in Visual Arts and Design, Childhood Education, A/V Technology and Communications, Business Management, Music Engineering, Criminal Justice and Engineering and Design.
LEA Pathways
Currently, Portsmouth offers an LEA Pathway in Criminal Justice.
Post Secondary Enrollment
63% of all students plan to attend a 4-year college or university, and 20% attend a 2-year college or technical school. 13% of students plan to enter the workforce and 2.9% plan on going into a trade. The military will be the future home of .4% of PHS graduates.
Green Ribbon School (2021)
Portsmouth was one of two districts in RI that was awarded the Green Ribbon by the USDOE in recognition of its cost-saving, health-promoting, and performance-enhancing sustainability practices.