District Stats

Student Population = 2168

PHS = 793 PMS = 618 Hathaway = 427 Melville = 330

US News and World Report

Portsmouth High School is ranked #4 in the state.

Graduation Rate

Portsmouth has a 95% 4-year graduation rate.

SAT Scores

PHS Math = 542 State Math = 460 PHS Verbal = 543 State Verbal = 479


The Portsmouth School Department offers CTE programs in Visual Arts and Design, Childhood Education, A/V Technology and Communications, Business Management, Music Engineering, Criminal Justice and Engineering and Design.

LEA Pathways

Currently, Portsmouth offers an LEA Pathway in Criminal Justice.

Post Secondary Enrollment

63% of all students plan to attend a 4-year college or university, and 20% attend a 2-year college or technical school. 13% of students plan to enter the workforce and 2.9% plan on going into a trade. The military will be the future home of .4% of PHS graduates.

Green Ribbon School (2021)

Portsmouth was one of two districts in RI that was awarded the Green Ribbon by the USDOE in recognition of its cost-saving, health-promoting, and performance-enhancing sustainability practices.


SC Liaisons

Dr. Copeland recognizes our PHS School Committee Liaisons for the 2023-2024 school year

U.S. Presidential Scholar

PHS Senior Maggie Lauder was named a U.S. Presidential Scholar

SRO and Comfort Dog Holly

Officer Wes with comfort dog, Holly

Rhode Island Board of Education Recognition

The Rhode Island Board of Education recognizes School Committee Member Isabelle Kelly for her successful completion of the Rhode Island Association of School Committee's Leadership Academy.

SRO Lemar was recently presented with the Crystal Apple Award from the leadership at the Portsmouth Middle School for his work as an SRO. His effectiveness in this position has made a difference building relationships with students, staff and administration.

SRO Lemar was recently presented with the Crystal Apple Award from the leadership at the Portsmouth Middle School for his work as an SRO. His effectiveness in this position has made a difference building relationships with students, staff and administration.

Steven Costa works with students in producing sport videos for WPHS Live.

Shout out to Mr. Costa and all of the work he does for the IT Department and WPHS Live !

Teacher of the Year, Kevin Reilly at Waterfire

Portsmouth's 2022 Teacher of the Year Kevin Reilly recognized at Educator Waterfire in Providence.

Family night at Escobar Farm

Family Night at Escobar Farm supporting Portsmouth Middle, Hathaway & Melville Schools

Sarah Hunicke recognized for earning National Board Certification at Waterfire

Sarah Hunicke was recognized at Educator Waterfire for being National Board Certified Teacher in Library Media/Early Childhood through young adulthood! Way to go, Sarah !!

The U.S. Department of Education announced Portsmouth as a U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School.

The U.S. Department of Education announced Portsmouth as a 2021 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School.

Victoria Travis gets the Golden Apple award from RIDE Commissioner.

Victoria Travis, a 3rd-grade special educator at Hathaway, was recently presented with an NBC 10/RIDE Golden Apple Award.

Superintendent Kenworthy and Deputy Superintendent Viveiros support the Life Skills student store.

Superintendent Kenworthy and Deputy Superintendent Viveiros supporting the Life Skills student store.

WPHS Live is now on YouTube broadcasting PHS Patriots sports.

WPHS Live on YouTube! Your broadcasting station for all Live Portsmouth Patriots Sports, News, and Events!

Melville School Logo

Melville Elementary School

Freckle Math Learning Time

Freckle Math learning time

Principal Laurie holding a snake.

Principal Laurie helping out the Bwana Iguana.

PHS fans rain or shine

PHS fans support PHS Athletics rain or shine !

Suzanne Hole ran the Boston Marathon.

Congratulations to Mrs. Hole for running the BOSTON MARATHON! She raised over $12,000 for @HerrenProject !