Assistant Principal

As the Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning at Portsmouth Middle School, I am involved in all aspects of academics and professional development. Some of my roles include, but are not limited to:
Leading the Academic Target Team:
I work closely with classroom teachers, academic content coaches and the reading and math interventionists to carefully monitor students’ academic progress. We use STAR as a universal screening tool to identify students academic needs, and then plan and provide targeted instruction on specific gaps. Students are screened three times per year. Performance data and progress is closely monitored and reported out at data meetings twice per quarter.
Leading the work being done in Professional Learning Communities (PLC):
These teacher meetings are held monthly to share data and expertise and to work collaboratively to analyze and improve teaching skills and to improve their classroom practice.
Serving on the District Curriculum Committee:
I work with the Assistant Superintendent and other principals and assistant principals to provide teachers in all subject areas with a guaranteed and viable curriculum that is reviewed and updated on a planned cycle.
Serving as the State Testing Coordinator for Portsmouth Middle School:
I work with the RI Department of Education (RIDE) and our IT Department and faculty in developing, understanding and communicating assessment protocols and schedules to generate effective responses to school and student needs in order to ensure the best possible testing environment.
If you need to contact me, I can be reached at