Contact Us

First Student (Transportation Vendor)
Donna Medeiros
(401) 683-5130
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Portsmouth School Department
Rachel Marciano
Operations Manager
(401) 683-1039 ext. 1017
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FirstView 1.0 App Technical Support
(888) 889-8920
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At Portsmouth School Department, we are committed to ensuring that our students have safe, reliable, and efficient transportation to and from school.

Bus Stop

First Student provides the bus service for the Portsmouth Public Schools. The Portsmouth School Department utilizes school bus monitors on all K-8 bus runs and has approved the use of video surveillance cameras on buses to promote safety.

The School Department makes every effort to make school bus service as convenient as possible for all. Bus stop times are approximate. Parents are advised to have their students at the bus stop at least 10 minutes before the stated arrival time. Occasionally, adjustments and rearrangements of the bus stops are made due to a shift in population. Normally, these adjustments are handled during the first two weeks of school. Busing boundaries have been established for the individual elementary schools, however, they are subject to change in the event of enrollment peaks in classes, grades, or schools.

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