Portsmouth Middle School Vision:
The vision of the Portsmouth Middle School community is to provide a rigorous and safe learning environment empowering each student to meet high academic standards, develop responsibility, become lifelong learners and productive citizens.
Portsmouth Patriot Pride:
Portsmouth Patriot Pride is a proactive approach, using a school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) framework, aimed to create a positive school culture. Based on PMS' Vision, we established our school-wide behavior expectations, focusing on four core values: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Ready to Learn. These expectations are reinforced daily with Patriot Pillars. When a student demonstrates one of the four core values, a Patriot Pillar may be given. Patriot Pillars are collected and we celebrate our success as a school. The goal is to increase our school's ability to establish the behavioral supports and social culture needed for all students to be emotionally, socially, and academically successful.
About Us:
During the 2023-2024 school year, Portsmouth Middle School is focusing on offering Tier I supports for all students. Common expectations were established for communal areas including in the hallways, cafeterias, buses, and bathrooms. Additionally, classroom expectations were created focusing on our four core values. Staff taught, modeled, and practiced with students the common expectations at the beginning of the year. Throughout the school year. opportunities for practice and reteaching will occur using school-wide lesson plans.
Staff began implementing common responses to problem behaviors to support students in demonstrating appropriate behaviors. Portsmouth Middle School continues to believe in the importance of teaching and reteaching school-wide and classroom expectations as well as taking a problem-solving approach to support students.
The PBIS Team consists of staff members from all grade levels and all departments including Unified Arts, Support Staff, and Administrators.